3 min read
3 years ago

The manufacturing sector of Torreón recovered its vitality in 2021


According to Mexico’s National Chamber of the Transformation Industry (Canacintra), there was a record of 34,541 jobs that various industries created in 2021. This is a figure that is at least 26% higher than that registered in 2020

With a total of 333 affiliated companies within the National Chamber of the Transformation Industry, at the close of the calendar year 2020, the formal manufacturing sector of Torreón registered a rebound in the number of industry jobs generated throughout 2021. This figure exceeds the number of new positions recorded by the manufacturing sector of Torreón in 2019 before the coronavirus pandemic. According to Canacintra, there was a record number of 34,541 jobs created in the year that has recently come to a close., This figure is at least 26% higher than that registered in 2020. When questioned about the most significant impact caused by the pandemic in the manufacturing sector in Torreón, and its projections for 2022, Carlos González Silva, president of Canacintra Torreón, stated that “Unfortunately, supply chains were broken during the pandemic. This circumstance resulted in a shortage of raw materials, and consequently costs of manufacturing rose”.

“Because of this circumstance, there were a significant number of closings of micro-businesses and small companies,”  he acknowledged. Regarding the panorama for the year that has just begun, the businessman from La Laguna explains that much will depend on the intensity of a possible coming fourth wave of Covid-19. He also points out that, in addition to this, it will also help to know how much the state and federal governments will give in economic and fiscal incentives, among others, to small and medium-sized enterprises.  Additionally, by implementing business-friendly local and national public policies that promote stable and reliable business environments for both national and foreign entrepreneurs, the manufacturing sector of Torreón can continue its expansion. To encourage some actions in favor of the industrial sector, González Silva said that some Canacintra committees have been created in Torreón that are working on important and relevant issues. For instance,  the Social Responsibility Committee will continue to work this year on the “Vuélvete Verde” (Go Green) reforestation campaign. Under this effort, Canacintra is sponsoring the planting of two thousand trees. The effort is being carried out with the support of all partners in the manufacturing sector of Torreón, chamber staff, and the general public. In addition to this, expert assistance continues to be given to Canacintra-affiliated companies to obtain the ESR (Socially Responsible Company) distinction.

 Furthermore, The Canacintra Torreón Athletic Race promoted health and sport. Five hundred runners registered to participate in the event. While the Energy Committee is positively supporting the local energy market. This is being accomplished by encouraging the use of sustainable and clean energy. Likewise, this committee seeks to promote the installation of solar panels to all affiliates. Canacintra hopes to achieve this goal by collaborating with local credit institutions and science and technology organizations. In 2021, Torreón Canacintra’s Innovation Committee created the “Torreón Innovation Node,” this effort is part of the National Canacintra Innovation Node Network. At the country level, there are currently only 14 delegations participating in this network. González Silva explained that the objective of this initiative is to promote innovation with actions or projects through forums and events designed to encourage the implementation of processes for the creation of innovative solutions for different problems that affect the manufacturing sector of Torreón and those that affect industry nationwide.

Industrial Real-Estate in the manufacturing sector of Torreón is thriving, as well.

Despite the effects of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, the industrial real-estate sector has been growing to accommodate the expanding manufacturing sector of Torreón. In addition to industry, it has been one of the few other sectors that have thrived in a challenging economy.

Pedro Fernández Martínez, national president of the Mexican Association of Real Estate Professionals (AMPI), has highlighted the positive results that this sector has experienced in recent months at both the local and national levels. In a recent visit to Torreón, he stressed that the Laguna Region, which includes the city of Torreón, has many evident strengths, primarily because it comprises territory in two Mexican states.


Juan Arvilla

Director of Operations


Juan Arvilla

Director of Operations

Juan has worked in the maquiladora industry for more than twenty years. He has extensive experience in manufacturing, sourcing and materials planning.