Tecma Group of Companies COVID-19 Protective Measures
5 min read
5 years ago

The Tecma Group of Companies COVID-19 protection measures are comprehensive and proactive

Tecma Group of Companies COVID-19 Protective Measures

Due to the gravity of the current global coronavirus pandemic, the Tecma Group of Companies has conscientiously defined and implemented a series of comprehensive and proactive measures to stem the possible spread of the COVID-19 virus at its Mexico manufacturing sites in order to protect its valued community of employees.   

In order to ensure that all of the protocols that have been designed to minimize the potential spread of the disease are being followed, the executive management of the company worked in a committee with key staff to compile a checklist to guide the organization’s ongoing prevention efforts.  Some of the things that comprise the Tecma Group of Companies COVID-19 protection measures are reviewed below.

The focus of the Senior Management Committee includes working to:

  • Conduct continuing risk and threat level analyses.
  • Devise an organizational emergency response structure.
  • Define internal company roles and virus prevention activities.
  • Plan for any required rescues and/or evacuations.
  • Monitor, issue alerts, and provides reports on a consistent, daily basis.
  • Design and implement an OSHA approved Infectious Disease Preparedness and Response Plan

Among the actions that are a part of the Tecma Group of Companies COVID-19 protective measures are:

  • The maintenance of direct communication with employees that display symptoms consistent with coronavirus infection.
  • Collaboration between site supervisors, human resources personnel, and company management to provide medical instruction directly to employees when needed.
  • The appointment of a number of temperature takers at each site that is based on the number of employees and visitors that enter the facility.
  • The maintenance of a sufficient supply of contactless thermometers that will enable controlled temperature tests to be taken each day and during each shift.
  • Daily temperature testing of all employees and visitors prior to their entrance into Tecma Mexico facilities with contactless thermometers.  Visitors include suppliers, truck drivers, outsourcing service partners, customers, and interview candidates.
  • Temperature testing of all employees utilizing busing services provided by the Tecma Group of Companies.
  • The stocking of adequate supplies of hand sanitizer/cleaner for each office, every shop floor, and all other work areas.
  • The provision of personal protection equipment (PPE) that includes masks and gloves for those employees of the Tecma Group of Companies that administer health tests to employees at manufacturing sites.
  • The disinfecting of employee transport equipment after each use.
  • The maintenance of the health records of all employees that contract fever.

Tecma Group of Companies COVID-19 protection measures and provisions for quarantining employees that are positive for the coronavirus

  • Any employee that shows COVID-19 symptoms or that is afflicted with a severe cough will be sent home for a 3-day temporary medical leave.  Such employees will be allowed to return to work when they have been cleared by Tecma medical staff or Mexican Social Security (IMMS).  If the employee’s condition continues unabated, the temporary medical leave for the worker will be extended for a period of 14 days.  When temperatures return to normal and when coughs subside, workers will be authorized to continue their labors. 
  • When possible, provisions will be made for employees to work from their home.
  • Work at home procedures must be followed by those employees that have been identified by Tecma Group of Companies medical personnel as being in the high risk for COVID-19 category. A high risk for the coronavirus includes anyone with diagnosed diabetes, hypertension, immune or auto immune system issues, and anyone with a compromised metabolism.  Additionally, this group includes anyone that is over 60 years of age and female employees that are pregnant.

The Tecma Group of Companies maintains sanitized workspaces, eating spaces, and equipment

  • All Tecma office and production areas are sanitized twice daily.
  • Furniture and equipment is disinfected twice daily.  These items include office chairs, white boards and markers, desk phones, door handles, photo copiers and all other high contact services.  Additionally, further sanitization is administered to items such as elevator control panels and are access control points.
  • Special efforts made are a part of the Tecma Group of Companies COVID-19 protective measures for all of its facilities’ eating areas.  Social distancing protocols in all cafeterias are being maintained.

The Tecma Group of Companies contributes to the protection of the community at large

In addition to the internal Tecma Group of Companies COVID-19 protective measures for manufacturing facilities in Mexico that have been taken, the company has answered the calls for assistance that have come from the community at large.  In Ciudad Juarez, home of Tecma’s largest installations, company leadership has contributed to the stockpile of supplies required by the facilities of the city’s offices of the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS).  Tecma has contributed various types of supplies in support of maintaining community health.  Among the items delivered to IMSS Ciudad Juarez are:

  • Six hundred and sixty N95 protective masks.
  • Four hundred face coverings.
  • Twelve thousand pairs of disposable gloves.
  • Forty-two gallons of chorine disinfectant.
  • Forty-three gallons of hand sanitizer.

These items were presented in appreciation of the risk-laden work that front line health workers do on a daily basis to guard and to promote the health and well-being of the community of which Tecma is a contributing member.  In addition to continuing its internal efforts to maintain Tecma Group of Companies COVID-19 protective measures for its valued employees, the organization will continue to work in coordination with organizations to promote broader coronavirus prevention efforts.


Alan Russell

Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer


Alan Russell

Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer

Tecma, Mexico Shelter Company CEO, K. Alan Russell, is at the helm of one of the maquiladora industry’s foremost organizations.